Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 9

Picture Day !

Today SB and I will leave for the eventing schooling show at centerline, we will be taking Henny and Roman ! Today I cleaned out all the stalls and filled water and hay nets while SB rode Ramana for about 15 min ! Then we gave Roman and Hennessy a bath and made them all pretty ! We left for the show around 3:30.

When we got to centerline , we unpacked and got on are ponies !!! When we were schooling Henny is now learning that I mean business on the flat work ! and after yelling at him like i was going to kill him (raaawwww ) he choose to listen (:

This is Roman (aka grumpy ginger)

This is Ramana ( aka the queen of the farm )

This is the small indoor !

The now ugly not so baby anymore chickens

This is the CUTE baby next door !

And of course my barn buds the dogs (:

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Love the pictures - esp the chicks!